School Education Plan

Fultonvale School Education Plan and Survey Results

2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey Results Report

The results are now available for the 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers conducted in March. Thank you to all families who took the time to share their feedback with the Division. The survey included a series of questions related to the three priorities outlined in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26 (Year 2).

· Priority 1: Promote growth and success for all students

· Priority 2: Enhance high-quality learning and working environments

· Priority 3: Enhance public education through effective engagement

The overall Division results represent close to 1,900 responses from parents and caregivers across the Division.

Annual Feedback Survey Results: Division

Annual Feedback Survey Results for Parents and Caregivers: Fultonvale

Annual Feedback Survey Results for Students: Fultonvale


Fultonvale 2023-24 School Education Plan